Professors Without Borders

New! Women in Higher Education Fellowship

Prowibo announces a new Fellowship to empower Women in Higher Education

Press Release

03 April 2024

Announcing a new Women in Higher Education Fellowship, hosted by Professors Without Borders Think Tank. The Fellowship is open to women in all levels of academia working in research, teaching and administrative roles. Over 10 months, participants will have access to guest speakers, upskilling workshops, networking and mentoring opportunities designed to help them navigate their careers in higher education.

This Fellowship is free and open to all women. It is built to address structural and gender- biased obstacles in the higher education sector, evidenced by our extensive research and teaching experience around the world.

Join the Fellowship, starting 5 July 2024, with monthly meetings on Fridays at Noon. The Women in Higher Education Fellowship is supported by Asset Finance Connect. 

Dr. Carola Hieker, business psychologist, banker, and speaker on the Fellowship, says:

“In my experience, it is rarely a lack of skills that holds women back in their careers, whether in the private sector or academia. It is usually a lack of networking and the confidence to ask for what they deserve. Many women try to avoid conflict rather than see it as an opportunity to position themselves and grow. I look forward to welcoming many fantastic women to the ‘Leadership: Managing Conflict Around You’ workshop, where we will understand what we do under pressure and support each other to proactively embrace conflict to create win-win situations.”

To support this initiative, donate through our crowdfunding campaign on Global Giving.

For more information on how to apply or support the Fellowship, please visit the following links:

To Apply

To Donate

Disclaimer: Professors Without Borders is a UK-registered charity and a Luxembourg-registered A.S.B.L.